third editions
All information on this website is copyright © ChanceGlass.net, unless where stated
Promotional Ware
From the very first year in which Fiestaware was produced, it was offering a customised service to enable companies and organisation to help promote their products. Later, even smaller institutions could take advantage of the minimum order quantity of 250 units. All these listed here are either positively made by Chance, or strongly suspected.

Not commonly seen as a boxed set, and even less so when they are customised for a customer: Greyfriars Autoparts. See CA, p.81 Courtesy Stuart Summers

Aerial shot of the Primary Distillation Works in Oldbury in 1954. Their distinctive logo has also been used on Greco ©Stuart Summers

Dish, 4.5" on Opal Flashed glass commemorating the centenary of Baden-Powell's birth in 1957 ©Stuart Summers

Tray, 12.5x9.5cm, Showing the St Michael sculpture by Jacob Epstein, 1958 ©Stuart Summers

Tray, 12.5x9.5cm, Promoting Belliss & Morcom of Birmingham ©Stuart Summers

Tray, 12.5x9.6cm, Promoting Walpamur, the Trade name of Wall Paper Manufacturers until 1965 ©Stuart Summers

Tray, 12.5x9.5cm, Commemorating The Ashes ©Stuart Summers

Olive Tray Promoting INA Needle Bearings of Llannelli ©Stuart Summers

Tray, 12.5x9.5cm, Commemorating the Centenary of the Owen Owen Department Store chain in 1968 ©Stuart Summers

Tray, 12.5x9.5cm, Showing SS Peter & Paul's Church, Coleshill, Warks ©Stuart Summers

Tray, 12.5x9.5cm, showing Lewis's Department store in Birmingham and commemorates the Sales Managers Centenary Dinner in 1956. Almost certainly by Chance ©Stuart Summers

Swirl was a very popular design for adding company logos.