third editions
All information on this website is copyright © ChanceGlass.net, unless where stated
Here are a few links to Chance-related pages. There are several new and exciting projects currently in place and all help to promote the historical aspect of Chance Brothers.
Chance Glassworks Heritage Trust: An important project to totally revitalise the neglected buildings, and the entire site in general, on the Chance site in Spon Lane, Smethwick. Plans include building a lifesize lighthouse.
Smethwick Heritage Centre: Specifically about Smethwick, but a large resource of glassware and documentation from Chance Brothers.
MADE: A Heritage Lottery sponsored organisation that is dedicated to improving the quality of our towns, cities and villages. Plenty of emphasis on Chance Brothers.
Sandwell Library: A resource for all the Chance Archives. A must for Chance historians and researchers.