third editions
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This slumped glass range was introduced by Chance Brothers in 1939, but it was discontinued at the outbreak of WWII the same year. All Aqualux is very rare due to its limited production run, but it eventually set the standard for all companies that produced this type of glassware from 1951 onwards.

Undocumented ruby-flashed bowl. Not shown in the catalogues, it closely resembles in shape and size the Pink Maxine variety shown here. However, White opal-, Green opal- and Blue-flashed are all part of the Aqualux range.

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A colourised simulation of the original monochrome photo of the Aqualux wavy-rimmed bowls. Shown are Pink Maxine (actually more like 'plum'), blue-flashed, green-flashed opal, white-flashed opal and clear.

A very rare example of the Aqualux label

A comparison of the tints between Aqualux (Pink Maxine, 1939) and early Carnival (Plum, 1963–65). Conclusion: they look identical!

Three different Aqualux plates: 6, 8 and 10-in in diameter. All in Pink Maxine.

A forerunner to the kidney shape of 1969, which caused quite a few problems for Chance.

A fruit bowl and six "finger bowls", all with wavy rims.

A close up of the wavy rimmed fruit bowl